Five Year Peace of Mind

Before starting at Rich-Tomkins Company I always thought the seasons of the year were broken up into spring, summer, fall and winter.  Now, I have learned that the seasons are just as easily divided up into completely different kinds of seasons.  I find myself identifying with water heater season, storm drain season, show season and what I’m talking about today, hydrant season.

Woodford19As the weather is FINALLY warming up and homeowners venture out and wake up their yards from winter hibernation, they might just realize they forgot to take their hoses off the hydrant.  Maybe they turn the faucet on and nothing happens. This spells trouble for the homeowner.

For those in the trade, this is a chance to show just how valuable a good, trusted plumber can be.

We know there are plenty of hydrants you can select to install.  Next hydrant you need to install why not try the American-made Woodford model No. 19? Woodford manufactures some fantastic hydrants but for your homeowner, the No. 19 is the way to go.

Recommend the No. 19 and give the homeowner a five year peace of mind. The No. 19 comes with a five year guarantee that it will be maintenance free and will not burst in even the coldest of days…even with the hose attached! Woodford will pay out up to $5,000 toward the cost to repair any damages incurred as a result of a defective No. 19*.

The No. 19 will probably cost a few bucks more, but with the built in “insurance policy” we think most homeowners would rather buy American-made and a guaranteed product over an import with a lesser guarantee.